

Cartilage treatments

Depending on the size and location of the injury, different surgical treatment options can be applied: abrasion arthroplasty, microfracture, mosaicplasty, cartilage cell culturing (MACI), and autologous matrix induced chondrogenesis (AMIC). The aim of these techniques is to restore the cartilage, reduce pain, and restore the function of the knee. Some of these techniques, such as abrasion arthroplasty and microfracture, can be performed by arthroscopy.

Knee Arthroscopy

What is arthroscopy? Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical method where a small camera and small instruments are introduced into the knee joint by very small incisions. Arthroscopy can be applied to treat meniscus tear, plica syndrome, cartilage problems, or cruciate ligament rupture. Arthroscopy is a very effective treatment method with minimal risk. The advantages of performing an arthroscopy include reduced recovery time, higher probability of surgical success due to less damage to the connective tissue, and less scarring.

Knee Replacement

If you suffer from advanced knee arthritis/osteoarthritis total knee replacement will heal your pain and restore mobility. Knee replacement means that your degenerated cartilage layer is taken away and replaced by a metal prosthesis. Total knee replacement gives you the possibility to move your joint free from pain.

Hip Replacement

Hip replacement is a well-established orthopedic surgery for the treatment of advanced hip osteoarthritis. Hip replacement will enable you to walk again, pain-free. Modern implants have proofed viability of up to 20 years. In most cases, the hip replacement is done cementlessly as bone grows into the modern implants for long-term fixation.