Morton Neuroma

Morton Neuroma

Thomas G. Morton first described foot pain caused by the thickening of a foot nerve in between the long foot bones of the forefoot (metatarsal bones) in the 19th century. Either the nerve between the third and and forth or the second and third metatarsal bone is thickened. The reason for the development of a Morton’s Neuroma is not fully clear. One of the factors is the presence of a splay foot with recurrent tensile strain to the interdigital nerve and thus development of the thickening.

Morton Neuroma is characterized by sharp pain most often between the third and fourth (more rarely between the second and third) toe. Most frequently the pain is stronger while wearing shoes and walking. When you take your shoes off, the pain very often goes away or becomes less. It sometimes feels as if there was something between your toes.

While examining your foot other pathologies like metatarsalgia have to be ruled out. An x-ray and sometimes an MRI can help to make sure that it is a Morton’s Neuroma that causes your pain.

Injections or insoles only help in 20% of the cases. For others, surgery to remove the neuroma is recommended. The surgery can be done with local anesthesia.

After surgery you are allowed to fully weight bear with a special shoe for two to three weeks until the wound is closed and the swelling has gone down.